@@ -3,5 +3,111 @@
"welcome": "Welcome",
"about": "About",
- "english":"English"
+ "english":"English",
+ "search": "Search...",
+ "contactUs": "Contact Us",
+ "home": "Home",
+ "readyToGetStarted": "Ready to Get Started?",
+ "description": "Education is about discovering beauty and magnifying it infinitely, enabling every child to shine in their own unique way. ",
+ "lastName": "Last name",
+ "firstName": "First name",
+ "childAge": "Child age",
+ "yourEmail": "Your Email",
+ "courseCategory": "Course category",
+ "phone": "Phone",
+ "pleaseEnter": "Please enter",
+ "pleaseEnterMin": "Please enter the minimum age",
+ "pleaseEnterMax": "Please enter the maximum age",
+ "sendMessage": "Send Message",
+ "pleaseEnterSurname": "Please enter surname",
+ "pleaseEnterName": "Please enter name",
+ "pleaseEnterAgeRange": "Please enter age range",
+ "pleaseEnterEmail": "Please enter email",
+ "pleaseEnterPhone": "Please enter phone",
+ "pleaseSelectCourseType": "Please select course type",
+ "signUpSuccess": "Sign up successful",
+ "encouragingEducation": "Encouraging Education",
+ "enlightenThinking": "Enlighten Thinking",
+ "teachThroughFun": "Teach Through Fun",
+ "respectIndividuality": "Respect Individuality",
+ "kindergartenAndBabyCare": "Kindergarten & Baby Care",
+ "happySpeaking": "Happy Speaking",
+ "happyReading": "Happy Reading",
+ "happyWriting": "Happy Writing",
+ "communicationIsNatural": "Communication is a natural instinct for humans, and we help our",
+ "childrenBuildBridges": "children build bridges with the world",
+ "applyToday": "Apply Today",
+ "aboutUs": "About us",
+ "bestChoiceForChildren": "Best Choice for Children",
+ "educationIsNotFilling": "Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire",
+ "exploreMore": "Explore More",
+ "callUsNow": "Call Us Now",
+ "ourPrograms": "Our Programs",
+ "weMeetKidsAtTheirLevel": "We meet kids at their level",
+ "regardlessOfTheirAge": "regardless of their age",
+ "getYourQuality": "Get your quality",
+ "comeAndBeAPartOfIt": "Come and be a part of it Our newest member",
+ "applyNow": "Apply Now",
+ "expertTeachers": "Expert Teachers",
+ "excellentTeam": "The excellent team of teachers escorts students' learning",
+ "eLearningMedia": "E-learning Media",
+ "exploreKnowledge": "Learners can freely explore knowledge via E-learning media",
+ "professionalService": "Professional Service",
+ "tailorMadePlans": "Tailor-made learning plans for students to achieve personalized development",
+ "teachingAssistantTracking": "Teaching Assistant Tracking",
+ "remedialSystem": "Remedial system of professional teaching assistant to track during the whole process",
+ "beginning": "Beginning",
+ "beginningSubTitle": "Enlightenment in listening and speaking stimulates interest in Chinese learning.",
+ "growing": "Growing",
+ "growingSubTitle": "The primary school Chinese textbooks compiled by the deep matching department have reached the domestic primary school Chinese level and improved Chinese literacy.",
+ "drawingClass": "Drawing Class",
+ "drawingClassSubTitle": "Comprehensive improvement of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, high-level direct HSK/AP/IB Chinese tests.",
+ "expanding": "Expanding",
+ "expandingSubTitle": "Benchmark HSK and YCT syllabuses to comprehensively improve Chinese listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills for overseas students with zero foundation.",
+ "ageBracket":" years old",
+ "handicraftCourses": "Handicraft Courses",
+ "handicraftCoursesSubTitle": "Cultivate students' practical abilities.",
+ "classroomGames": "Classroom Games",
+ "classroomGamesSubTitle": "Add fun to the classroom.",
+ "musicalRhythm": "Musical Rhythm",
+ "musicalRhythmSubTitle": "Help memory through children's songs.",
+ "chineseCulture": "Chinese Culture",
+ "chineseCultureSubTitle": "Understand traditional Chinese cultural customs.",
+ "ourOriginalCourses": "Our Original Courses",
+ "curriculumCharacteristics": "Curriculum Characteristics",
+ "multiDimensionalTeachingModel": "Multi-dimensional teaching model to promote the all-round development of students.",
+ "jennyWilson": "Jenny Wilson",
+ "culturalTheatre": "The 'Cultural Theatre' session is a children's favorite, and it's so fun to learn festival customs with melodrama!",
+ "estherHoward": "Esther Howard",
+ "pronunciationStandard": "The pronunciation standard of the Chinese teacher, the child says that it is like learning Chinese with friends~",
+ "wadeWarren": "Wade Warren",
+ "videoPlayback": "There is a video playback of the make-up class, which is too friendly to dual-income families.",
+ "recommendation": "Recommendation",
+ "parentsFeedback": "Parents' feedback on Happy Chin",
+ "ariaLan": "Aria Lan",
+ "englishTeacher": "English teacher",
+ "bachelorsDegreeInEnglish": "Bachelor's Degree in English",
+ "ariaLanIntroduce": "Five years of extensive teaching experience. Former outstanding instructor and former excellent teacher at an international kindergarten. Holds a Teaching Certificate issued by the Ministry of Education, TEM-4, and Mandarin Level 2-A Certificate. Proficient in standard pronunciation and intonation, skilled in Chinese picture book reading, phonics, and oral Chinese teaching.",
+ "wendyChen": "Wendy Chen",
+ "wendyChenIntroduce": "Graduated from a normal college with a Bachelor’s degree and holds CET6 (National College English Test Band 4 and 6) certificate, TEM4 (Test for English Major) certificate, BEC (BUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATE) Intermediate certificate, Mandarin Level 1 B certificate. With strong affinity, she is good at mobilizing the classroom atmosphere with rich teaching methods.",
+ "aspenChou": "Aspen Chou",
+ "graduatedFromNormalUniversity": "Graduated from a normal university.",
+ "aspenChouIntroduce": "I have the Ministry of Education's teaching certification and a Level 2A Mandarin proficiency certificate. I have three years of one-on-one teaching experience. I've participated in public-welfare volunteer teaching activities multiple times. Proficient in oral Chinese teaching with standard pronunciation and intonation, I create a child-loved atmosphere.",
+ "oliviaHuang": "Olivia Huang",
+ "oliviaHuangIntroduce": "Graduated from the University of Valencia, Spain with a doctorate in linguistics, with TEM-8 Certificate in English and Spanish, Mandarin Level 2A Certificate and the “National Outstanding Teacher”. Has American English pronunciation, places emphasis on practice, and cultivates students' practical application abilities.",
+ "ourExperts": "Our Experts",
+ "ourExpertInstructors": "Our Expert Instructors",
+ "pleaseSelectRegion": "Please select a area",
+ "region": "Area",
+ "level_1": "Beginner",
+ "level_2": "Intermediate",
+ "level_3": "Advanced",
+ "multiPage": "Multi Page",
+ "onePage": "One Page",
+ "home01": "Home 01",
+ "home02": "Home 02",
+ "home03": "Home 03",
+ "home04": "Home 04",
+ "programs": "Programs"