en.json 9.2 KB

  1. {
  2. "welcome": "Welcome",
  3. "about": "About",
  4. "chinese":"Chinese",
  5. "dowloadWeMeet":"Download VooV Meeting",
  6. "english":"English",
  7. "search": "Search...",
  8. "contactUs": "Contact Us",
  9. "home": "Home",
  10. "readyToGetStarted": "Ready to Get Started?",
  11. "description": "Education is about discovering beauty and magnifying it infinitely, enabling every child to shine in their own unique way. ",
  12. "lastName": "Last name",
  13. "firstName": "First name",
  14. "childAge": "Child age",
  15. "yourEmail": "Your Email",
  16. "courseCategory": "Course category",
  17. "phone": "Phone",
  18. "pleaseEnter": "Please enter",
  19. "pleaseSelect": "Please select",
  20. "pleaseEnterMin": "Please enter the minimum age",
  21. "pleaseEnterMax": "Please enter the maximum age",
  22. "sendMessage": "Submit reservation information",
  23. "pleaseEnterSurname": "Please enter surname",
  24. "pleaseEnterName": "Please enter name",
  25. "pleaseEnterAgeRange": "Please select age range",
  26. "pleaseEnterEmail": "Please enter email",
  27. "pleaseEnterPhone": "Please enter phone",
  28. "pleaseSelectCourseType": "Please select course type",
  29. "signUpSuccess": "Sign up successful",
  30. "encouragingEducation": "Encouraging Education",
  31. "enlightenThinking": "Enlighten Thinking",
  32. "teachThroughFun": "Teach Through Fun",
  33. "respectIndividuality": "Respect Individuality",
  34. "kindergartenAndBabyCare": "Kids’ Learning & Growing",
  35. "happySpeaking": "Happy Speaking",
  36. "happyReading": "Happy Reading",
  37. "happyWriting": "Happy Writing",
  38. "communicationIsNatural": "Communication is a natural instinct for humans, and we help our children build bridges with the world.",
  39. "applyToday": "Apply Today",
  40. "aboutUs": "About us",
  41. "bestChoiceForChildren": "Best Choice for Children",
  42. "educationIsNotFilling": "Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.",
  43. "exploreMore": "Explore More",
  44. "callUsNow": "Call Us Now",
  45. "ourPrograms": "Our Programs",
  46. "weMeetKidsAtTheirLevel": "We meet kids at their level ",
  47. "regardlessOfTheirAge": "regardless of their age",
  48. "getYourQuality": "Get your quality",
  49. "comeAndBeAPartOfIt": "Come and be a part of our newest member!",
  50. "applyNow": "Apply Now",
  51. "expertTeachers": "Expert Teachers",
  52. "excellentTeam": "The excellent team of teachers escorts students' learning",
  53. "eLearningMedia": "E-learning Media",
  54. "exploreKnowledge": "Learners can freely explore knowledge via E-learning media",
  55. "professionalService": "Professional Service",
  56. "tailorMadePlans": "Tailor-made learning plans for students to achieve personalized development",
  57. "teachingAssistantTracking": "Teaching Assistant Tracking",
  58. "remedialSystem": "Remedial system of professional teaching assistant to track during the whole process",
  59. "beginning": "Beginning",
  60. "beginningSubTitle": "Enlightening listening and speaking with 20 vivid themes to stimulate children's interest in Chinese learning.",
  61. "growing": "Growing",
  62. "growingSubTitle": "The primary school Chinese textbooks compiled by the deep matching department have reached the domestic primary school Chinese level and improved Chinese literacy.",
  63. "breaking": "Breaking",
  64. "drawingClassSubTitle": "Comprehensive improvement of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, high-level direct HSK/AP/IB Chinese tests.",
  65. "expanding": "Expanding",
  66. "expandingSubTitle": "Benchmark HSK and YCT syllabuses to comprehensively improve Chinese listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills for overseas students with zero foundation.",
  67. "ageBracket":"{0} years old",
  68. "handicraftCourses": "Handicraft Courses",
  69. "handicraftCoursesSubTitle": "Cultivate students' practical abilities.",
  70. "classroomGames": "Classroom Games",
  71. "classroomGamesSubTitle": "Add fun to the classroom.",
  72. "musicalRhythm": "Musical Rhythm",
  73. "musicalRhythmSubTitle": "Help memory through children's songs.",
  74. "chineseCulture": "Chinese Culture",
  75. "chineseCultureSubTitle": "Understand traditional Chinese cultural customs.",
  76. "ourOriginalCourses": "Our Original Courses",
  77. "curriculumCharacteristics": "Curriculum Characteristics",
  78. "multiDimensionalTeachingModel": "Multi-dimensional teaching model to promote the all-round development of students.",
  79. "jennyWilson": "Jenny Wilson",
  80. "culturalTheatre": "The 'Cultural Theatre' session is a children's favorite, and it's so fun to learn festival customs with melodrama!",
  81. "estherHoward": "Esther Howard",
  82. "pronunciationStandard": "The pronunciation standard of the Chinese teacher, the child says that it is like learning Chinese with friends~",
  83. "wadeWarren": "Wade Warren",
  84. "videoPlayback": "There is a video playback of the make-up class, which is too friendly to dual-income families.",
  85. "recommendation": "Recommendation",
  86. "parentsFeedback": "Parents' feedback on Happy Chin",
  87. "ariaLan": "Aria Lan",
  88. "chineseTeacher": "Chinese teacher",
  89. "englishTeacher": "English teacher",
  90. "bachelorsDegreeInEnglish": "Bachelor's Degree in English",
  91. "ariaLanIntroduce": "Teaching Style: Learning through fun and being both friend and mentor with kids.<br/>Bachelor's Degree in English.<br/>Five years of extensive experience in teaching English to young learners, former outstanding instructor at a leading English education institution, and former excellent English teacher at a kindergarten.<br/> Holds a Teaching Certificate issued by the Ministry of Education, TEM-4 (Test for English Majors Band 4), and Mandarin Level 2-A Certificate.<br/>Proficient in standard pronunciation and intonation, skilled in Chinese picture book reading, phonics, and oral English teaching. Emphasizes individual differences among children, tailors teaching methods to each student, and fully inspires children's interest in learning Chinese.<br/>Teaching Motto: <br/> 'Language is the blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which they grow.'",
  92. "wendyChen": "Wendy Chen",
  93. "wendyChenIntroduce": "Wendy Graduated from a normal college with a Bachelor’s degree and holds CET6 (National College English Test Band 4 and 6) certificate, TEM4 (Test for English Major) certificate, BEC (BUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATE) Intermediate certificate, Mandarin Level 1 B certificate.<br/>She won the 'FLTRP Cup' National English Speech Contest for college students.<br/>She has experience in teaching foreigners the HSK (Hanyu Shuiping kaoshi ) test and 5 years of experience in teaching children.<br/>With strong affinity, she is good at mobilizing the classroom atmosphere with rich teaching methods.<br/>Teaching Motto: <br/>'Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself. '—John Dewey",
  94. "aspenChou": "Aspen Chou",
  95. "graduatedFromNormalUniversity": "Graduated from a normal university.",
  96. "aspenChouIntroduce": "Teaching Style: Encourage education, enlighten thinking and integrate into life.<br/>Graduated from a normal university.<br/>Possess a Teacher Qualification Certificate and Mandarin Certificate at Level 2, Grade A. <br/>Have rich experience in various competitions and have won awards, such as in business competitions and the 'National English Contest for College Students' and other competitions.<br/> Have three years of one-on-one teaching experience. Be full of love and actively participate in public welfare teaching support activities. <br/>Have a standard pronunciation and intonation, and be good at oral English teaching.<br/>Have strong affinity, and conduct interesting interactions with students in class, creating a relaxed and pleasant classroom atmosphere, which is deeply loved by children.<br/>Teaching Motto:<br/>“Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.”——William Butler Yeats",
  97. "oliviaHuang": "Olivia Huang",
  98. "oliviaHuangIntroduce": "Teaching Style:Rigorous scholarship, patient guidance, and individualized instruction.<br/>Graduated from Valencia University of Spain with a doctorate in linguistics, with TEM-8 Certificate in English and Spanish, and a Mandarin Level 2A Certificate.<br/>Has guided students to participate in the National English Competition and received “Excellent Guidance.<br/> Focuses on individualized teaching and can customize detailed learning plans based on individual students, earning numerous praises.<br/> Has American English pronunciation and is hold of the title “Excellent Interpreter”. Focuses on English practice and cultivates students' practical application abilities. <br/>Teaching Motto: <br/>Ignite the light of language to illuminate the path of wisdom.",
  99. "ourExperts": "Our Team",
  100. "ourExpertInstructors": "Our Expert Instructors",
  101. "pleaseSelectRegion": "Please select a area",
  102. "region": "Area",
  103. "level_1": "Beginner",
  104. "level_2": "Intermediate",
  105. "level_3": "Advanced",
  106. "multiPage": "Multi Page",
  107. "onePage": "One Page",
  108. "home01": "Home 01",
  109. "home02": "Home 02",
  110. "home03": "Home 03",
  111. "home04": "Home 04",
  112. "programs": "Programs",
  113. "callUs": "Call Us",
  114. "email": "E-mail",
  115. "location": "Location",
  116. "address": "Room 1509, Building 11, Shidai Hui, Yuzhong District, Chongqing Municipality, China",
  117. "termsAndCondition": "Terms & Condition",
  118. "privacyPolicy": "Privacy Policy",
  119. "title": "Happy Chin",
  120. "copyright": "© All Copyright 2025 by",
  121. "lun1":"The combination of Chinese myths and stories in the textbooks is particularly good, and children can learn language and increase knowledge!"
  122. }