@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+import {
+ CompiledQuery,
+ DatabaseConnection,
+ DatabaseIntrospector,
+ Dialect,
+ Driver,
+ Kysely,
+ SqliteAdapter,
+ SqliteIntrospector,
+ SqliteQueryCompiler,
+ QueryCompiler,
+ QueryResult,
+} from 'kysely'
+import Database from '@tauri-apps/plugin-sql'
+ * Config for the D1 dialect. Pass your D1 instance to this object that you bound in `wrangler.toml`.
+ */
+export interface D1DialectConfig {
+ database: Database
+ * D1 dialect that adds support for [Cloudflare D1][0] in [Kysely][1].
+ * The constructor takes the instance of your D1 database that you bound in `wrangler.toml`.
+ *
+ * ```typescript
+ * new D1Dialect({
+ * database: env.DB,
+ * })
+ * ```
+ *
+ * [0]: https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-d1/
+ * [1]: https://github.com/koskimas/kysely
+ */
+export class D1Dialect implements Dialect {
+ #config: D1DialectConfig
+ constructor(config: D1DialectConfig) {
+ this.#config = config
+ }
+ createAdapter() {
+ return new SqliteAdapter()
+ }
+ createDriver(): Driver {
+ return new D1Driver(this.#config)
+ }
+ createQueryCompiler(): QueryCompiler {
+ return new SqliteQueryCompiler()
+ }
+ createIntrospector(db: Kysely<any>): DatabaseIntrospector {
+ return new SqliteIntrospector(db)
+ }
+class D1Driver implements Driver {
+ #config: D1DialectConfig
+ constructor(config: D1DialectConfig) {
+ this.#config = config
+ }
+ async init(): Promise<void> {}
+ async acquireConnection(): Promise<DatabaseConnection> {
+ return new D1Connection(this.#config)
+ }
+ async beginTransaction(conn: D1Connection): Promise<void> {
+ return await conn.beginTransaction()
+ }
+ async commitTransaction(conn: D1Connection): Promise<void> {
+ return await conn.commitTransaction()
+ }
+ async rollbackTransaction(conn: D1Connection): Promise<void> {
+ return await conn.rollbackTransaction()
+ }
+ async releaseConnection(_conn: D1Connection): Promise<void> {}
+ async destroy(): Promise<void> {}
+class D1Connection implements DatabaseConnection {
+ #config: D1DialectConfig
+ // #transactionClient?: D1Connection
+ constructor(config: D1DialectConfig) {
+ this.#config = config
+ }
+ async executeQuery<O>(compiledQuery: CompiledQuery): Promise<QueryResult<O>> {
+ console.log('compiledQuery: ', compiledQuery)
+ // Transactions are not supported yet.
+ // if (this.#transactionClient) return this.#transactionClient.executeQuery(compiledQuery)
+ if (compiledQuery.sql.startsWith('select')) {
+ const results = await this.#config.database.select<O[]>(compiledQuery.sql, [
+ ...compiledQuery.parameters,
+ ])
+ return {
+ rows: results,
+ }
+ }
+ const results = await this.#config.database.execute(compiledQuery.sql, [
+ ...compiledQuery.parameters,
+ ])
+ const numAffectedRows = results.rowsAffected > 0 ? BigInt(results.rowsAffected) : undefined
+ return {
+ insertId:
+ results.lastInsertId === undefined || results.lastInsertId === null
+ ? undefined
+ : BigInt(results.lastInsertId),
+ rows: [],
+ numAffectedRows,
+ // @ts-ignore deprecated in kysely >= 0.23, keep for backward compatibility.
+ numUpdatedOrDeletedRows: numAffectedRows,
+ }
+ }
+ async beginTransaction() {
+ // this.#transactionClient = this.#transactionClient ?? new PlanetScaleConnection(this.#config)
+ // this.#transactionClient.#conn.execute('BEGIN')
+ throw new Error('Transactions are not supported yet.')
+ }
+ async commitTransaction() {
+ // if (!this.#transactionClient) throw new Error('No transaction to commit')
+ // this.#transactionClient.#conn.execute('COMMIT')
+ // this.#transactionClient = undefined
+ throw new Error('Transactions are not supported yet.')
+ }
+ async rollbackTransaction() {
+ // if (!this.#transactionClient) throw new Error('No transaction to rollback')
+ // this.#transactionClient.#conn.execute('ROLLBACK')
+ // this.#transactionClient = undefined
+ throw new Error('Transactions are not supported yet.')
+ }
+ async *streamQuery<O>(
+ _compiledQuery: CompiledQuery,
+ _chunkSize: number,
+ ): AsyncIterableIterator<QueryResult<O>> {
+ throw new Error('D1 Driver does not support streaming')
+ }