@@ -1,165 +1,190 @@
- <el-drawer v-model="show" :show-close="false" direction="rtl" size="700px">
- <template #header>
- <div class="h-[56px] text-[#000] text-[24px] font-semibold border-b border-[#ccc]">Search for products
- </div>
- </template>
- <template #default>
- <SearchInput></SearchInput>
- <!-- 判断从那点击进来 Search点击搜索框 -->
- <div v-if="type === 'Search'" class="food_main">
- <!-- 判断foodItems 显示图片 -->
- <div v-if="foodItems.length === 0" class="search_product"></div>
- <div v-else>
- <menuFood
- v-for="(item, index) in foodItems"
- :key="index"
- :imageUrl="item.imageUrl"
- :productName="item.productName"
- :price="item.price"
- :quantity="item.quantity"
- :type="type"
- />
+ <el-drawer v-model="show" :show-close="false" direction="rtl" size="700px">
+ <template #header>
+ <div class="food_title">
+ {{ $t('menu.search') }}
- </div>
- <div v-else>
- <div>
- <!-- <el-divider /> -->
- <menuFood
- v-for="(item, index) in foodItems"
- :key="index"
- :imageUrl="item.imageUrl"
- :productName="item.productName"
- :price="item.price"
- :quantity="item.quantity"
- :type="type"
- />
- <Title fontSize="16px">Taste</Title>
- <CapsuleBox :items="foodList" />
- <Title fontSize="16px">Type</Title>
- <CapsuleBox :items="foodList" />
- <Title fontSize="16px">Number</Title>
- <div class="flex h-[60px] items-center ">
- <div @click="handleChange(-1)" class="numItem">-</div>
- <div class="numItem">{{num}}</div>
- <div @click="handleChange(1)" class="numItem">+</div>
+ </template>
+ <template #default>
+ <div class="scroll">
+ <SearchInput></SearchInput>
+ <!-- 判断从那点击进来 Search点击搜索框 -->
+ <div v-if="type === 'Search'">
+ <!-- 判断foodItems 显示图片 -->
+ <div v-if="foodItems.length === 0" class="search_product"></div>
+ <div class="food_img" v-else>
+ <menuFood
+ v-for="(item, index) in foodItems"
+ :key="index"
+ :imageUrl="item.imageUrl"
+ :productName="item.productName"
+ :price="item.price"
+ :quantity="item.quantity"
+ :type="type"
+ />
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div v-else>
+ <div>
+ <el-divider />
+ <menuFood
+ v-for="(item, index) in foodSearch"
+ :key="index"
+ :imageUrl="item.imageUrl"
+ :productName="item.productName"
+ :price="item.price"
+ :quantity="item.quantity"
+ :type="type"
+ />
+ <Title fontSize="16px"> {{ $t('menu.taste') }}</Title>
+ <CapsuleBox :items="foodList" />
+ <Title fontSize="16px">{{ $t('menu.type') }}</Title>
+ <CapsuleBox :items="foodList" />
+ <Title fontSize="16px">{{ $t('menu.number') }}</Title>
+ <div class="flex h-[60px] items-center">
+ <div @click="handleChange(-1)">
+ <img src="../../../assets//img//minus_Icon.png" alt="">
+ </div>
+ <div class="numItem">{{ num }}</div>
+ <div @click="handleChange(1)">
+ <img src="../../../assets//img//plus_Icon.png" alt="">
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <el-divider />
+ <menuFood
+ v-for="(item, index) in foodItems"
+ :key="index"
+ :imageUrl="item.imageUrl"
+ :productName="item.productName"
+ :price="item.price"
+ :quantity="item.quantity"
+ :type="type"
+ />
+ </div>
- <el-divider />
- <menuFood
- v-for="(item, index) in foodItems"
- :key="index"
- :imageUrl="item.imageUrl"
- :productName="item.productName"
- :price="item.price"
- :quantity="item.quantity"
- :type="type"
- />
- </div>
- </template>
+ </template>
- <template #footer>
- <div v-if="type === 'Search'">
- <el-button type="primary" class="w-[660px] h-[68px]" @click="cancelClick" plain>
- close window
- </el-button>
- </div>
- <div style="flex: auto" v-else>
- <el-button type="primary" @click="cancelClick" plain>close window</el-button>
- <el-button type="primary" @click="confirmClick">Join the checkout counter</el-button>
- </div>
- </template>
- </el-drawer>
+ <template #footer>
+ <div v-if="type === 'Search'">
+ <el-button style="height: 44px;" type="primary" class="w-[660px] h-[68px]" @click="cancelClick" plain>
+ close window
+ </el-button>
+ </div>
+ <div style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between; " v-else>
+ <el-button style="width: 220px; height: 44px;" type="primary" @click="cancelClick" plain>close window</el-button>
+ <el-button style="width: 408px; height: 44px" type="primary" @click="confirmClick">Join the checkout counter</el-button>
+ </div>
+ </template>
+ </el-drawer>
+ </div>
<script setup>
<script setup>
- import { ref } from 'vue'
- import SearchInput from '../../../components/SearchInput.vue'
- import Title from '@/components/titleFood.vue'
- import menuFood from './menuFood.vue'
- import CapsuleBox from './CapsuleBox.vue'
- const props = defineProps({
- type: {
- type: String,
- required: true,
- },
- })
- const show = defineModel('show')
- const showInput = defineModel('showInput')
- const num = ref(1)
- const foodList = ref([
- { id: 1, text: 'sautéed' },
- { id: 2, text: 'sautéed' },
- { id: 3, text: 'sautéed' },
- { id: 4, text: 'sautéed' },
- ])
- // 假数据,用于动态渲染
- const foodItems = ref([
- {
- imageUrl: 'https://www.w3schools.com/w3images/fjords.jpg',
- productName: 'Search for products 1',
- price: '\$5.29',
- quantity: 'x5'
- },
- // {
- // imageUrl: 'https://www.w3schools.com/w3images/lights.jpg',
- // productName: 'Search for products 2',
- // price: '\$3.99',
- // quantity: 'x3'
- // },
- // {
- // imageUrl: 'https://www.w3schools.com/w3images/mountains.jpg',
- // productName: 'Search for products 3',
- // price: '\$8.50',
- // quantity: 'x2'
- // },
- // {
- // imageUrl: 'https://www.w3schools.com/w3images/fjords.jpg',
- // productName: 'Search for products 1',
- // price: '\$5.29',
- // quantity: 'x5'
- // },
- ])
- const cancelClick = () => {
- show.value = false
- }
- const handleChange = (value) => {
- if (num.value > 0 || value > 0) {
- num.value += value
- }
+ import { ref } from 'vue'
+ import SearchInput from '../../../components/SearchInput.vue'
+ import Title from '@/components/titleFood.vue'
+ import menuFood from './menuFood.vue'
+ import CapsuleBox from './CapsuleBox.vue'
+ const props = defineProps({
+ type: {
+ type: String,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ })
+ const show = defineModel('show')
+ const showInput = defineModel('showInput')
+ const num = ref(1)
+ // 胶囊
+ const foodList = ref([
+ { id: 1, text: 'sautéed products' },
+ { id: 2, text: 'sautéed Search' },
+ { id: 3, text: 'show' },
+ { id: 4, text: 'https for' },
+ { id: 5, text: 'sautéed' },
+ { id: 6, text: 'fjords for' },
+ ])
+ // 假数据,用于动态渲染菜品
+ const foodSearch = ref([
+ {
+ imageUrl: 'https://www.w3schools.com/w3images/fjords.jpg',
+ productName: 'Search for products 1',
+ price: '\$5.29',
+ quantity: 'x5',
+ },
+ ])
+ const foodItems = ref([
+ {
+ imageUrl: 'https://www.w3schools.com/w3images/fjords.jpg',
+ productName: 'Search for products 1',
+ price: '\$5.29',
+ quantity: 'x5',
+ },
+ {
+ imageUrl: 'https://www.w3schools.com/w3images/lights.jpg',
+ productName: 'Search for products 2',
+ price: '\$3.99',
+ quantity: 'x3'
+ },
+ {
+ imageUrl: 'https://www.w3schools.com/w3images/mountains.jpg',
+ productName: 'Search for products 3',
+ price: '\$8.50',
+ quantity: 'x2'
+ },
+ {
+ imageUrl: 'https://www.w3schools.com/w3images/fjords.jpg',
+ productName: 'Search for products 1',
+ price: '\$5.29',
+ quantity: 'x5'
+ },
+ ])
+ const cancelClick = () => {
+ show.value = false
+ }
+ const handleChange = (value) => {
+ if (num.value > 0 || value > 0) {
+ num.value += value
+ }
<style lang="scss" scoped>
<style lang="scss" scoped>
- ::v-deep .el-drawer__header {
- margin-bottom: 0px !important;
-.search_product {
- width: 660px;
- height: 400px;
- background-image: url('../../../assets/img/bg_Icon.png');
- background-size: contain;
- background-repeat: no-repeat;
- background-position: center;
-.numItem {
- width: 40px;
- height: 40px;
- background-color: rgba(246, 127, 32, 1);
- border-radius: 8px;
- margin-right: 10px;
- display: flex;
- align-items: center;
- justify-content: center;
- color: #fff;
- font-size: 20px;
-.flex .numItem:nth-child(2) {
- background-color: transparent;
- color: #000;
- border: 1px solid #ccc;
+ ::v-deep .el-drawer__header {
+ margin-bottom: 0px !important;
+ }
+ // ::v-deep .el-divider {
+ // margin: 20px 0px;
+ // }
+ ::v-deep .el-drawer__body::-webkit-scrollbar {
+ display: none;
+ }
+ .food_title{
+ height: 56px;
+ font-size: 24px;
+ font-weight: 600;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #E6E6E6;
+ }
+ .search_product {
+ width: 660px;
+ height: 400px;
+ background-image: url('../../../assets/img/bg_Icon.png');
+ background-size: contain;
+ background-repeat: no-repeat;
+ background-position: center;
+ }
+ .numItem {
+ width: 40px;
+ height: 40px;
+ border-radius: 8px;
+ margin: 0px 15px;
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ justify-content: center;
+ color: #000;
+ font-size: 20px;
+ border: 1px solid #ccc;
+ }