builder-debug.yml 6.9 KB

  1. x64:
  2. firstOrDefaultFilePatterns:
  3. - '!**/node_modules'
  4. - '!build{,/**/*}'
  5. - '!build{,/**/*}'
  6. - dist/electron/**/*
  7. - package.json
  8. - '!**/*.{iml,hprof,orig,pyc,pyo,rbc,swp,csproj,sln,suo,xproj,cc,d.ts,mk,a,o,forge-meta,pdb}'
  9. - '!**/._*'
  10. - '!**/electron-builder.{yaml,yml,json,json5,toml,ts}'
  11. - '!**/{.git,.hg,.svn,CVS,RCS,SCCS,__pycache__,.DS_Store,thumbs.db,.gitignore,.gitkeep,.gitattributes,.npmignore,.idea,.vs,.flowconfig,.jshintrc,.eslintrc,.circleci,.yarn-integrity,.yarn-metadata.json,yarn-error.log,yarn.lock,package-lock.json,npm-debug.log,appveyor.yml,.travis.yml,circle.yml,.nyc_output,.husky,.github}'
  12. - '!.yarn{,/**/*}'
  13. - '!.editorconfig'
  14. - '!.yarnrc.yml'
  15. nodeModuleFilePatterns:
  16. - '**/*'
  17. - dist/electron/**/*
  18. nsis:
  19. script: |-
  20. !include "C:\A beijing\formal\pc\store-v1\node_modules\app-builder-lib\templates\nsis\include\StdUtils.nsh"
  21. !addincludedir "C:\A beijing\formal\pc\store-v1\node_modules\app-builder-lib\templates\nsis\include"
  22. !macro _isUpdated _a _b _t _f
  23. ${StdUtils.TestParameter} $R9 "updated"
  24. StrCmp "$R9" "true" `${_t}` `${_f}`
  25. !macroend
  26. !define isUpdated `"" isUpdated ""`
  27. !macro _isForceRun _a _b _t _f
  28. ${StdUtils.TestParameter} $R9 "force-run"
  29. StrCmp "$R9" "true" `${_t}` `${_f}`
  30. !macroend
  31. !define isForceRun `"" isForceRun ""`
  32. !macro _isKeepShortcuts _a _b _t _f
  33. ${StdUtils.TestParameter} $R9 "keep-shortcuts"
  34. StrCmp "$R9" "true" `${_t}` `${_f}`
  35. !macroend
  36. !define isKeepShortcuts `"" isKeepShortcuts ""`
  37. !macro _isNoDesktopShortcut _a _b _t _f
  38. ${StdUtils.TestParameter} $R9 "no-desktop-shortcut"
  39. StrCmp "$R9" "true" `${_t}` `${_f}`
  40. !macroend
  41. !define isNoDesktopShortcut `"" isNoDesktopShortcut ""`
  42. !macro _isDeleteAppData _a _b _t _f
  43. ${StdUtils.TestParameter} $R9 "delete-app-data"
  44. StrCmp "$R9" "true" `${_t}` `${_f}`
  45. !macroend
  46. !define isDeleteAppData `"" isDeleteAppData ""`
  47. !macro _isForAllUsers _a _b _t _f
  48. ${StdUtils.TestParameter} $R9 "allusers"
  49. StrCmp "$R9" "true" `${_t}` `${_f}`
  50. !macroend
  51. !define isForAllUsers `"" isForAllUsers ""`
  52. !macro _isForCurrentUser _a _b _t _f
  53. ${StdUtils.TestParameter} $R9 "currentuser"
  54. StrCmp "$R9" "true" `${_t}` `${_f}`
  55. !macroend
  56. !define isForCurrentUser `"" isForCurrentUser ""`
  57. !macro addLangs
  58. !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
  59. !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "German"
  60. !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "French"
  61. !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "SpanishInternational"
  62. !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "SimpChinese"
  63. !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "TradChinese"
  64. !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Japanese"
  65. !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Korean"
  66. !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Italian"
  67. !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Dutch"
  68. !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Danish"
  69. !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Swedish"
  70. !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Norwegian"
  71. !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Finnish"
  72. !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Russian"
  73. !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Portuguese"
  74. !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "PortugueseBR"
  75. !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Polish"
  76. !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Ukrainian"
  77. !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Czech"
  78. !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Slovak"
  79. !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Hungarian"
  80. !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Arabic"
  81. !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Turkish"
  82. !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Thai"
  83. !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "Vietnamese"
  84. !macroend
  85. !include "C:\Users\28162\AppData\Local\Temp\t-KFFj2U\0-messages.nsh"
  86. !addplugindir /x86-unicode "C:\Users\28162\AppData\Local\electron-builder\Cache\nsis\nsis-resources-3.4.1\plugins\x86-unicode"
  87. Var newStartMenuLink
  88. Var oldStartMenuLink
  89. Var newDesktopLink
  90. Var oldDesktopLink
  91. Var oldShortcutName
  92. Var oldMenuDirectory
  93. !include "common.nsh"
  94. !include "MUI2.nsh"
  95. !include "multiUser.nsh"
  96. !include "allowOnlyOneInstallerInstance.nsh"
  99. RequestExecutionLevel user
  100. !else
  101. RequestExecutionLevel admin
  102. !endif
  103. !else
  104. RequestExecutionLevel user
  105. !endif
  107. SilentInstall silent
  108. !else
  109. Var appExe
  110. Var launchLink
  111. !endif
  112. !ifdef ONE_CLICK
  113. !include "oneClick.nsh"
  114. !else
  115. !include "assistedInstaller.nsh"
  116. !endif
  117. !insertmacro addLangs
  118. !ifmacrodef customHeader
  119. !insertmacro customHeader
  120. !endif
  121. Function .onInit
  122. Call setInstallSectionSpaceRequired
  123. SetOutPath $INSTDIR
  124. ${LogSet} on
  125. !ifmacrodef preInit
  126. !insertmacro preInit
  127. !endif
  129. !insertmacro MUI_LANGDLL_DISPLAY
  130. !endif
  132. WriteUninstaller "${UNINSTALLER_OUT_FILE}"
  133. !insertmacro quitSuccess
  134. !else
  135. !insertmacro check64BitAndSetRegView
  136. !ifdef ONE_CLICK
  138. !else
  139. ${IfNot} ${UAC_IsInnerInstance}
  141. ${EndIf}
  142. !endif
  143. !insertmacro initMultiUser
  144. !ifmacrodef customInit
  145. !insertmacro customInit
  146. !endif
  147. !ifmacrodef addLicenseFiles
  148. InitPluginsDir
  149. !insertmacro addLicenseFiles
  150. !endif
  151. !endif
  152. FunctionEnd
  153. !ifndef BUILD_UNINSTALLER
  154. !include "installUtil.nsh"
  155. !endif
  156. Section "install" INSTALL_SECTION_ID
  157. !ifndef BUILD_UNINSTALLER
  158. # If we're running a silent upgrade of a per-machine installation, elevate so extracting the new app will succeed.
  159. # For a non-silent install, the elevation will be triggered when the install mode is selected in the UI,
  160. # but that won't be executed when silent.
  162. !ifndef ONE_CLICK
  163. ${if} $hasPerMachineInstallation == "1" # set in onInit by initMultiUser
  164. ${andIf} ${Silent}
  165. ${ifNot} ${UAC_IsAdmin}
  166. ShowWindow $HWNDPARENT ${SW_HIDE}
  167. !insertmacro UAC_RunElevated
  168. ${Switch} $0
  169. ${Case} 0
  170. ${Break}
  171. ${Case} 1223 ;user aborted
  172. ${Break}
  173. ${Default}
  174. MessageBox mb_IconStop|mb_TopMost|mb_SetForeground "Unable to elevate, error $0"
  175. ${Break}
  176. ${EndSwitch}
  177. Quit
  178. ${else}
  179. !insertmacro setInstallModePerAllUsers
  180. ${endIf}
  181. ${endIf}
  182. !endif
  183. !endif
  184. !include "installSection.nsh"
  185. !endif
  186. SectionEnd
  187. Function setInstallSectionSpaceRequired
  188. !insertmacro setSpaceRequired ${INSTALL_SECTION_ID}
  189. FunctionEnd
  191. !include "uninstaller.nsh"
  192. !endif